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Congress documents(会員限定)


2022 Berlin Congress

Subject 1: Group approach and separate entity approach in domestic and international tax law
Subject 2: Big data and tax – domestic and international taxation of data driven business
Seminar A: The linking of tax systems: dependence of domestic taxation on foreign tax treatment
Seminar B: Tax Directors Seminar - Corporate officers’ duties to tax planning vs. tax morality and compliance
Seminar C: Use of technology in taxation
Seminar D: Carbon Climate Change taxation
Seminar E: IFA/OECD
Seminar F: Recent developments in international taxation
Seminar G: Developing countries, their policies and their experiences in regard to the OECD BEPS process
Seminar H: IFA/EU
Seminar I: The neutrality principle in VAT – practical issues
Seminar J: Taxation of families; mobility of individuals
YIN Seminar: Tax treatment of crypto assets
WIN Seminar: Tax challenges of matrix organisations, new work and the war for talent

2020 Virtual Programme

Subject 1: Reconstructing the treaty network
Subject 2: Exchange of Information: issues, use and collaboration
Recent developments in international taxation
YIN Seminar 
WIN Seminar

2019 London Congress

Subject 1:Interest deductibility: the implementation of BEPS Action 4
Subject 2:Investment Funds
Seminar A:Tax and Sharia instruments
Seminar B:Form and Substance
Seminar C:Indirect taxation and financial services
Seminar D:Hybrid Instruments and entities
Seminar E:Taxation of space
Seminar F:IFA/OECD
Seminar G:Tax transparency/enhanced cooperation/CbCR experience
Seminar H:Unilateral treaty override
Seminar I:Recent developments in international taxation
Seminar J:IFA/EU
Seminar K:Brexit
YIN Seminar 

2018 Soul Congress

2018 Subject 1:Seeking anti-avoidance measures of general nature and scope - GAAR and other rules
2018 Subject 2:Withholding tax in era of BEPS, CIVs and digital economy
2018 Seminar A:Effectiveness of anti-avoidance mechanisms(including limitations of benefits)
2018 Seminar B:Alternatives to resolving tax disputes - evolving experience and possible developments
2018 Seminar C:Limits of tax jurisdiction - non-traditional "business presence"
2018 Seminar D:Recent trends in the taxation of corporate distributions
2018 Seminar E:Tax Incentives to attract foreign direct investments without eroding the tax base
2018 Seminar F:IFA/OECD
2018 Seminar G:Recent International VAT/GST issues from the perspective of basic principles included in the OECD's International VAT/GST Guidlines
2018 Seminar H:Recent Developments in international taxation
2018 Seminar I:Regional Government Officials' Seminar
2018 Seminar J:IFA/EU
2018 YIN Seminar

2017 Rio de Janeiro Congress
2017 Subject 1:Assessing BEPS: Origins, Standards and Responses
2017 Subject 2:The future of transfer pricing 
2017 Seminar A:Fragmentation of contracts and taxation
2017 Seminar B:Automatic Exchange of Information: a New Standard?
2017 Seminar C:Cost-sharing and Cost Contribution Arrangements
2017 Seminar D:Advanced Pricing Agreements and International Tax Impacts
2017 Seminar E:IFA/OECD
2017 Seminar F:Economic Crisis and Protection of Taxpayers’ Rights – Tax Morality?
2017 Seminar G:International Indirect Taxation of Enterprise Services: Multilateral, Internal or Bilateral Approach
2017 Seminar H:Recent Developments in International Taxation
2017 Seminar I:International Tax Impacts of Foreign Exchange Effects
2017 Seminar J:IFA/EU
2017 YIN Seminar

2016 Madrid Congress

2016 Subject 1: Dispute resolution procedures in international tax matters
2016 Subject 2: The notion of tax and the elimination of international double taxation or double non-taxation
2016 Seminar A: Corporate tax officers respond to BEPS
2016 Seminar B: Taxation of activities performed in breach of legal regulations (illegal activities)
2016 Seminar C: Making intelligent investment decisions (tax incentives in Latin America and their effectiveness)
2016 Seminar D: IFA/EU
2016 Seminar E: IFA/OECD
2016 Seminar F: Tax judges Seminar: Access to a Tax Court and the rights to property and to equal treatment
2016 Seminar G: VAT and direct taxation of digital economy
2016 Seminar H: Recent developments in international taxation
2016 Seminar I: Taxation of venture capital: funds, managers and investment structure
2016 Seminar J: Taxation of sportspersons, sport organizations and sport events
2016 YIN Seminar

2015 Basel Congress

2015 Subject 1: Tax incentives for Research & Development (on R & D)
2015 Subject 2: Practical protection of taxpayers' fundamental rights
2015 Seminar A: "Patent Boxes"
2015 Seminar B: The taxation of expatriates
2015 Seminar C: Cross-border supply of services and VAT/GST: Development of IFA proposals
2015 Seminar D: Practical protection of taxpayers in the exchange of information process
2015 Seminar E: Cross-border mergers of companies
2015 Seminar F: IFA/EU: "State aid review as a means to combat aggressive tax planning"
2015 Seminar G: IFA/OECD
2015 Seminar H: The taxation of global families
2015 Seminar I: Effectiveness of the participation exemption
2015 Seminar J: Recent developments in international taxation
2015 Seminar K: Practical protection of taxpayers in the tax litigation process
2015 Seminar L: Timing issues in the application of tax treaties

2014 Mumbai Congress

2014 Short report of proceedings of the Congress
2014 Subject 1: Cross-border outsourcing - issues, strategies and solutions
2014 Subject 2: Qualification of taxable entities and treaty protection
2014 Seminar A: VAT implications of outsourcing and cost-sharing arrangements
2014 Seminar B: Indirect transfer of assets
2014 Seminar C: The taxable residence of companies
2014 Seminar D: Judges' Seminar
2014 Seminar E: IFA/OECD: Update on BEPS work: preventing treaty abuse
2014 Seminar F: UN matters - UN and OECD differences in Model, TP, etc.
2014 Seminar G: Tax issues relating to intangibles
2014 Seminar H: Recent developments in international taxation
2014 Seminar I: Taxation and non-tax treaties
2014 Seminar J: IFA/EU: The impact of EU law on the BEPS initiative
2014 YIN Seminar

2013 Copenhagen Congress

2013 Short report of proceedings of the Congress
2013 Subject 1: The taxation of foreign passive income for groups of companies
2013 Subject 2: Exchange of information and cross-border cooperation between tax authorities
2013 Seminar A: Climate change and international taxation
2013 Seminar B: Cross-border short-term employment
2013 Seminar C: Cross-border loss utilization
2013 Seminar D: IFA/EU "Exchange of information and EU law"
2013 Seminar E: Profit methods and the arm's length principle
2013 Seminar F: IFA/OECD: Base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS)
2013 Seminar G: Jubilee Seminar "How will the tax system look in 25 years?"
2013 Seminar H: Recent developments in international taxation
2013 Seminar I: Subnational taxes and international taxation
2013 Seminar J: Overhead and VAT deductibility (re PE)
2013 YIN Seminar

2012 Boston Congress

2012 Short report of proceedings of the Congress
2012 Subject 1: Enterprise services
2012 Subject 2: Debt-equity conundrum
2012 Seminar A: Penalties and domestic law dispute resolution procedures
2012 Seminar B: Cross-border arbitrage
2012 Seminar C: Mutual agreement procedure and the resolution of cross-border disputes
2012 Seminar D: Article 3(2) and the scope of domestic law
2012 Seminar E: VAT and non-resident sellers
2012 Seminar F: IFA/OECD "Now you see it, now you don't: the elusive concept of permanent establishment"
2012 Seminar G: Developments in cross-border taxation in the Latin American region
2012 Seminar H: Cross-border charitable and other pro-bono contributions
2012 Seminar I: International telecommunications income
2012 Seminar J: Recent developments in international taxation
2012 Seminar K: IFA/EU: Taxation of financial transactions
2012 Seminar L: Limitations on benefits articles in income treaties: the current state of play
2012 YIN Seminar
2012 ER Project Seminar

2011 Paris Congress

2011 Short report of proceedings of the Congress
2011 Subject 1: Cross-border business restructuring
2011 Subject 2: Key practical issues to eliminate double taxation of business income
2011 Seminar A: VAT aspects of business restructuring
2011 Seminar B: The corporate tax base: alternative basis for corporate taxation and its international consequences
2011 Seminar C: Credit vs exemption
2011 Seminar D: IFA/EU: Double taxation and EU law
2011 Seminar E: Recent developments in international taxation
2011 Seminar F: Uncertain tax positions
2011 Seminar G: Collective investment vehicles
2011 Seminar H: IFA/OECD: "Liable to no tax"
2011 Seminar I: Immovable property and treaties
2011 Seminar J: Tax rulings in an international framework
2011 YIN Seminar

2010 Rome Congress

2010 Short report of proceedings of the Congress
2010 Subject 1: Tax treaties and tax avoidance: application of anti-avoidance provisions
2010 Subject 2: Death as a taxable event and its international ramifications
2010 Seminar A: The subsidiary as a permanent establishment
2010 Seminar B: The privilege for tax advice
2010 Seminar C: Tax treaty regime of trust income
2010 Seminar D: VAT/GST and group companies
2010 Seminar E: IFA/OECD: red card 17?
2010 Seminar F: Tax havens
2010 Seminar G: Tax indemnities in m&a and other commercial transactions
2010 Seminar H: Recent developments in international taxation
2010 Seminar I: International assistance in the collection of taxes
2010 Seminar J: IFA/EU State aid
2010 YIN Seminar

2009 Vancouver Congress

2009 Short report of proceedings of the Congress
2009 Subject 1: Is there a permanent establishment ?
2009 Subject 2: Foreign exchange issues in international taxation
2009 Seminar A: (Break-out Session Subject 1): Alternative PE rules
2009 Seminar B: (Companion to Subject 1): Physical presence and equivalent concepts for VAT purposes
2009 Seminar C: (Companion to Subject 2): Foreign exchange issues arising under Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) rules
2009 Seminar D: Taxation of portfolio investment in real estate (including REIT regimes)
2009 Seminar E: Special measures for temporary residents
2009 Seminar F: IFA/OECD: New Article 7 "Something new, something old"
2009 Seminar G: IFA/EU: The death of withholding taxes ?
2009 Seminar H: Where is the pony: the development of international tax policy
2009 Seminar I: Race to the bottom? The taxation of mobile activities
2009 Seminar J: Recent developments in international taxation
2009 Seminar K: The future role of international organisations in tax matters
2009 Seminar L: Corporate emigration and immigration
2009 Seminar M: Taxation of software payments: an update
2009 Seminar N: Tax amnesties
2009 YIN Seminar: EC law aspects of hybrid entities and Moot Court Session

2008 Brussels Congress

2008 Short report of proceedings of the Congress
2008 Subject 1 : Non-discrimination at the crossroads of international taxation
2008 Subject 2: New tendencies in tax treatment of cross-border interest of corporations
2008 Seminar A: The impact of Eu non-discrimination rules on non-EU countries
2008 Seminar B: Indirect taxation of public bodies
2008 Seminar C: The EU interest - savings directive
2008 Seminar D: Cross-border pensions
2008 Seminar E: IFA/OECD - short term assignments
2008 Seminar F: The use of foreign court rulings for treaty interpretation purposes
2008 Seminar G: Tax risk management
2008 Seminar H: Recent developments in international tax
2008 Seminar I: IFA/EU - consolidated tax base
2008 Seminar J: From confrontation to cooperation; the taxpayer and the tax administration
2008 Seminar YIN: The relationship between European community law and international tax law

2007 Kyoto Congress

2007 Short report of proceedings of the Congress
2007 Subject I : Transfer pricing and intangibles
2007 Subject 2 : Conflicts in the attribution of income to a person
2007 Seminar A : IFA/EU - Abuse and EU tax law
2007 Seminar B : International tax aspects of trading in emission allowances
2007 Seminar C : Transfer pricing and cost sharing arrangements
2007 Seminar D : Treaty entitlement and limitation on benefits (LOB) clauses
2007 Seminar E : IFA/OECD - non-discrimination issues
2007 Seminar F : Treaty entitlement and collective investment vehicles (including trusts)
2007 Seminar G : Transfer pricing and indirect taxation
2007 Seminar H : Recent developments in international tax
2007 Seminar I : Taxation of multinational service partnerships
2007 Seminar J : Tax treaty dispute resolution mechanisms
2007 Seminar YIN : Recent developments in tax research

2006 Amsterdam Congress

2006 Short report of proceedings of the Congress
2006 Subject I : The tax consequences of restructuring of indebtedness (debt work-outs)
2006 Subject I : 2006 Break-out session A : The tax consequences of restructuring of indebtedness (debt work-outs) between related parties
2006 Subject II : The attribution of profits to permanent establishments (PEs)
2006 Subject II : 2006 Break-out session A : The attribution of profits to PEs : selected issues for financial institutions
2006 Subject II : 2006 Break-out session B : The attribution of profits to PEs : EC law and non-discrimination issues
2006 Seminar A : Indirect tax aspects of cross-border services
2006 Seminar B : IFA/OECD - Do enterprises mean business ?
2006 Seminar C : International cooperation in countering tax avoidance
2006 Seminar D : The effect of regional and global trade agreements on domestic tax law and bilateral tax conventions
2006 Seminar E : Recent developments in international tax
2006 Seminar F : IFA/EU : the need and scope for coordination of tax policies in the EU
2006 Seminar G : Tax accounting versus commercial accounting
2006 Seminar YIN : Debt-to-equity conversion

2005 Buenos Aires Congress

2005 Short report of proceedings of the Congress
2005 Subject I : Source and residence : new configuration of their principles
2005 Subject I : Break-out Session A : Source taxation : practical issues in determining the amount to tax
2005 Subject I : Break-out Session B : Residence taxation : practical issues in relief of double taxation
2005 Subject II : Tax treatment of international acquisitions of businesses
2005 Subject II : Break-out Session A : Post acquisition restructuring
2005 Subject II : Break-out Session B : Tax aspects of financing the acquisitions
2005 Seminar A : Fundamental rights of taxpayers
2005 Seminar B : IFA/OECD - the definition of royalties in the OECD Model Convention
2005 Seminar C : Coordination of taxes in economic unions/common markets
2005 Seminar D : Recent developments in international tax
2005 Seminar E : Moving away from source taxation : re-organising supply chains
2005 Seminar F : Capital gains dealing with shares of real estate companies
2005 Special Seminar on Perspectives of foreign investment and taxes in Argentina
