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Archives ▶ 2019

  • Congress Report 2019
             IFA has published a Congress Report that contains summaries of all
            major sessions held at the London Congress.
            For example, this report includes discussions on the challenges
            raised by the digitalization of the economy and the future of international
            corporate tax policy, and some of the most developments within the European
             IFA members are available pdf, please click here.  


  • IFA Research Associate Position 2020/2021

            Annually IFA engages a Research Associate who assists the Permanent
           Scientific Committee(PSC) in selecting Congress Subjects and Seminar topics.
           For detailed information, please click here. 
  •  Briefing Session of 2019 London Congress cosponsered by Japan Tax Association(JTA)
            This is to notify you of Briefing Session of 2019 London Congress.
            Date: from 13:30 to 15:30, Thursday, December 19th.
            Place: Kazankaikan, Room2 and 3 (Suitiku and Koubai) HP
            Agenda: 【IFA London Congress 2019】
               Subject 1: Interest Deductiblity: the implementation of BEPS Action 4
                  Subject 2: Investment Funds
                  Other Seminar
            Please apply here.
  • Member's Seminar cosponsered by Japan Tax Association(JTA)
           Member's Seminar was held on 24th April 2019        "Corporate Taxation in the Grobal Economy"        -Mr. Michael Keen (IMF Deputy Director)
  • The 71st SOKEN TAIKAI  
            The 71th SOKEN TAIKAI will be held on 18-19 September 2019
            Its program are as follows.(official HP)
  • Japanese Branch Reporters of 2021 Berlin, Germany August 29th - September 2nd 2021
          The 2021 Congress will take place between Aughst 29th and September 2nd
          2021, in  the world-renowned city of Berlin. (official HP)
   Subject 1:Group approach and separate entity approach in domestic and
   international tax law (Japanese Branch Reporter: Mr.Yuya Suzuki)
   Subject 2:Big data and tax - domestic and internatioinal taxation of data driven
   business (Japanese Branch Reporter: Ms. Mari Takahasi and Onishi Atsushi)


  • 2019 Cahiers available
           The 2019 Cahiers are available online and from 15th June 2019 onwards
           the Cahiers are being distirbuted to the IFA members. 
           For detailed information, please click here 


  • Asia - Pacific Regional Tax Conference 2019  
            Date:17th June 2019 -19th June 2019  
            Topics: Plenary 1 - Tax and Digital Global Economy: Issues for the Region
                                        and Globally
                       Plenary 2 - Revenue Officials Perspective: Tax Co-operation and
                                       New Developments in a Global Digital Era
                       Plenary 3 - The Changing Dynamics of International Taxation:
                                        The Corporate Perspective
                       Plenary 4 - Anti-abuse, GAARs and SAARs in the Asia Pacific region
                       Plenary 5 - Hot Topics and New Challenges: The Future of Tax in the
                                        Asia Pacific region
           For detailed information, please click here


  • IFA Competitions
           1.   As you know IFA has instituted the Mitchell B. Carroll Prize in order to
           encourage scientific work. This Prize is awarded for a work dealing with 
           international fiscal questions, comparative fiscal law or local fiscal law with the
           emphasis on the relationships with the fiscal law of foreign jurisdictions.
           Competition for the Prize is open to lawyers, accountants and economists.
           【Rules on the competition for the Mitchell B. Carroll Prize
           2.   In 2010 IFA launched the Maurice Laure Prize. IFA has instituted this Prize
           in order to encourage scientific work on international indirect taxation.
          The Prize is named in honour of Maurice Laure, who was instrumental in the first
          implementation of the Value Added Tax system in France, now applied in more
          than 160 jurisdictions.
          【Rules on the competition for the Maurice Laure Prize
          3.   Further, IFA has initiated a so-called “Poster Programme” to attract young
          students to international taxation.
          The programme is open to a maximum of ten students graduating in
          international taxation who are writing a thesis on a purely theoretical or
         more practical subject.
          【Poster Programme
          4.    In 2014 IFA launched the IFA President YIN Scientific Award. This award
          shall be awarded for an article published in a qualified medium, furthering the
          understanding of international fiscal law or comparative tax law, providing
          practical solutions to problems arising in cross-border transactions or situations.
          【Rules on the competition for the IFA President YIN Scientific Award


